Medicinal Garden Maintenance

Medicinal Garden Trimming and raking

  1. Rue – Trim to the ground.
  2. Germander – Shear to shape and encourage branching. Shear to same height as in other gardens making a uniform hedge all around.
  3. Check perennials for survival and make note for replacement – some appear late.
  4. Check markers – place properly.
  5. Enrich soil with compost, add Bonemeal and Bloodmeal. Use compost from middle bin at the Herb Garden.
  6. Build up low areas and corners in garden where needed.
  7. Divide perennials if necessary to encourage fuller, healthier plants.
  8. Add new soil and compost before replanting.
  9. Avoid walking if possible on wet soil, it compacts and doesn’t aerates – taking a long time to recoup.

Seed Planting in May

  1. Sweet Marjoram
  2. Calendula (plant in April)
  3. Cornflower
  4. Safflower
  5. Flax may need to buy a pkt. or a plant


  1. Soapwort
  2. Myrtle